Development of the capacities for the operation of the nuclear reactor IAN-R1
IAN-R1, nuclear research reactor, reactor utilization, neutron activation analysis, irradiationDownloads
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This document presents a historical description of the nuclear research reactor IAN-R1. A contextualization is made about the origin of the reactor within the framework of the Atoms for Peace program, including the technical characteristics and the initial configuration of the core, which was replaced by nuclear fuel MTR technology (90 %) to a new fuel type TRIGA (20 %) (acronyms of material testing reactor and training, research, isotopes, general atomics, respectively.
In the same way, the characteristics of the two modernizations that have been made to the instrumentation and control are presented, the first oriented to the installation of three nuclear channels two of wide range and one power channel, renovation of the control console and the installation of the data acquisition system (DAC) cabinet.
The second modernization, which corresponds to the new instrumentation and control of the reactor, is oriented to the change of the control console which supports the control and supervision servers, a nuclear channel NP-1000, printer, four screens of the human interface machine HMI, keyboard of the bar handling system and two keyboards for each of the servers. In addition, the DAC was replaced by the instrumentation cabinet, which includes the reactor protection systems, the redundant control system and the supervision system. The instrumentation and control is characterized by the use of the Ethernet standard to achieve inter-connectivity of the systems, programming of the human machine interface
(HMI) using open source code Javatm, and multiplatform, logical separation of functions applying concepts of distributed control and modularity, redundancy, unique failure criteria and independence.
The use of the reactor is shown, referring to the irradiation facilities available for irradiation of materials to be studied using the neutron activation analysis (NAA) technique. Likewise, irradiation is planned to support the use of the fission fingerprint dating technique, research and support to educational institutions through technical conferences and a visit to the nuclear facility.
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