Satisfactory performance of the Gamma Irradiation Plant on program N-DO-02 of the INTERLAB proficiency test




proficiency testing, interlaboratory comparisons, radiation dose, quality assurance

How to Cite

J. I. Abril Murillo, G. A. Vela Guzmán, and A. de J. Moreno Machado, “Satisfactory performance of the Gamma Irradiation Plant on program N-DO-02 of the INTERLAB proficiency test”, rev. investig. apl. nucl., no. 3, pp. 40–48, Dec. 2019.







The Colombian Geological Survey’s Gamma Irradiation Plant, the only one in the country, participated in Interlaboratory Proficiency Comparison Test program N-DO-02,  directed by the Interlaboratory Management Division (INTERLAB) of the Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina, as an essential part of quality assurance related to the facility’s irradiation and routine dosimetry processes. The results were satisfactory for all dose values assigned in the proficiency test.


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