Routine constancy tests of Geiger-Müller detectors in nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy–Instituto Nacional de Cancerología: A quality assurance proposal for radiation protection equipment
Routine constancy test, Geiger-Müller, radiation protection, quality assuranceDownloads
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Based on the implementation of the quality assurance plan, the main objective of this study is to monitor and analyze the routine constancy tests carried out on the ionizing radiation detection equipment of the nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy services of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología E.S.E. (INC). The study equipment were 16 Geiger-Müller detectors, fixed and portable, with certified sealed dropper and flat sources for the collection of measurements made over a period of three years. As a result, variable behaviors were always found within the range of 20% of the percentage error between the measured value and the reference value of each equipment. The study allows to conclude that the detectors show an expected behavior within the reproducibility of the detector and the operators deviations; however, and to minimize variations, it is essential to have a quality assurance program for radiation detection equipment that ensures the suitability of the measures carried out.
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