Natural radiation inside Cueva del Tigre of Yaguará, Huila, Colombia
Radon, cave, Huila, radioactivity, tourismDownloads
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In the scope of the present work the degree of exposure to natural radiation to which tourists and tour guides are subjected during their time inside the Cueva del Tigre in the municipality of Yaguará, department of Huila, was investigated. Extensive field works were carried out in October 2017 and February 2018, considering in detail, firstly, some morphological aspects, which define the possibilities of underground ventilation; second, microclimatic aspects such like relative humidity and indoor air temperatures, which are affected by subsoil properties such as porosity, permeability and active geological faulting; and third, the levels of radon gas and its state of equilibrium with its short-lived descendants, generators of alpha particles, and therefore main responsible for the effective doses of ionizing radiation. Annual doses were estimated for probable scenarios of sporadically visits to the cave and cases for longer stay inside them, observing that stays of more than 100 hours per year in a central gallery can potentially exceed the limits recommended by national and international regulations.
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