Determination of polonium - 210 (210Po) in food and water: a review (2014-2019)
Polonium-210, Food, Water, Radioactive elementsDownloads
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Polonium-210 (210Po) is one of the radionuclides of greatest concern due to its cardiotoxicity. Most of the 210Po found in our environment occurs naturally and its environmental distribution is the result of two main processes: 1) the release of radon-222 (222Rn) from the earth’s crust and 2) the dissolution of radium- 226 (226Ra) in water sources, both dynamic environmental matrices that contribute to the dispersion of radioisotopes and anthropogenic processes such as phosphate industries, uranium mining and coal exploitation, responsible for the release of 210Po in aquifers. It is important to recognize that this radioisotope can be distributed through trophic networks, since it is present in various foods and in water. To expand this information, a bibliographic review was carried out, following the PRISMA methodology, and it was found that there are several studies, especially in European countries. In America, it is observed that the only countries that have carried out investigations in this regard are Brazil, Canada and the United States. In Colombia, Instituto de Asuntos Nucleares, Servicio Geológico Colombiano and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín campus, have developed studies, but there are no publications on this subject in the databases and for the period 2014-2019. During the review, different methodologies were found for the preparation of samples and analysis of 210Po in food and water, therefore, a methodology was developed that would bring together the most economical and reliable methods for future experimental research. It is concluded that it is important to monitor food for the determination and quantification of radioactive elements, because, according to the experimental data reported in the reviewed articles, the effective dose of 210Po provided by food can cause damage to health, especially from seafood.
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