Performance assessment of three dosimetric devices for patientspecific quality control in radiosurgery
Quality control, patient-specific, ArcCHECK, radiochromic filmDownloads
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The performance of three dosimetric systems for patient-specific quality control was evaluated for radiosurgery treatments with target volumes between 0.7-8.7 cm3. Twenty radiosurgery treatment plans performed using the VMAT technique and calculated using Monaco TPS were analyzed. The point dose was evaluated using a pinpoint ionization chamber, inside the insert known as a Cavity PlugTM of the ArcCHECK device, and the dose distributions were evaluated using the gamma-3D function in the ArcCheck system and the gamma-2D function with a dosimetric system composed of PRC-EBT3 radiochromic films and an Epson 10000XL scanner, where the 5%/2 mm criterion was applied for TH = 50%. An evaluation was performed of patient treatment plans, that had been previously calculated and applied, using the normal and high-density modes of the ArcCHECK device, under the following criteria: 5%/2 mm, 5%/1 mm, 3%/3 mm, 3%/2 mm and 2%/2 mm. There was less than a ± 3.5% difference in the point dose for the different criteria, and the percentage of coincidence of the gamma-3D function in the ArcCHECK was only viable for the quality control of intensity-modulated treatment plans with volumes greater than 0.7 cm3 under the criterion 3%/3 mm and TH = 50% in high-density mode. The gamma-2D coincidence in the PRC-EBT3 showed gamma approval percentages between 91 and 100% under the 5%/2 mm criterion with TH = 50%; this device has a high spatial resolution and can therefore provide information on the dose distribution for radiosurgery treatment volumes above 0.7 cm3 using a proposed pass rate above 85% under a 5%/1 mm criterion and TH = 50%.
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