Introducción a la irradiación gamma de alimentos y desarrollo tecnológico en Colombia




Gamma irradiation of foods, food preservation, safety, quality, research and development

How to Cite

J. I. Abril, “Introducción a la irradiación gamma de alimentos y desarrollo tecnológico en Colombia”, rev. investig. apl. nucl., no. 2, pp. 5–14, Dec. 2018.







Gamma irradiation is a safe and effective method for the control of harmful microorganisms and pathogens in different kinds of products for human consumption around the world, in food, pharmacy, cosmetics and medical devices. Gamma irradiation of food is mainly used in order to achieve its preservation through the reduction of deterioration, improvement of its hygiene and increase in useful life. There are several applications in the food industry, ranging from disinfestation of fruits and seeds, inhibition of tuber sprouts, conservation, disinfection to sterilization, all with multiple benefits; each one supplies a need that other technologies do not fully satisfy, generating a lower economic and environmental impact. Despite its important contribution to the preservation and safety of food, at national level, radiation technology is not applied in the production chains and the specific effects of the technique on the quality of local products are unknown, as well as the inherent characteristics of possible irradiated products that enter the country, added to a inconsiderate lack of regulation that supports their exploitation in a safe way.


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