Results and interpretation for the application of the risk matrix method in brachytherapy
risk assessment, brachytherapy, radiological safetyDownloads
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The objective of this study is to present the results obtained with the risk matrix method using the SEVRRA application in brachytherapy and the precautions that should be taken when applying this approach and interpreting the results. Risk analysis was performed for a high-dose-rate brachytherapy facility using the SEVRRA software and a tool developed based on the risk matrix method in a spreadsheet. The results of the second screening showed discrepancies between the risk profiles obtained with the SEVRRA application and with the custom tool. The percentages of high-risk initiating events obtained with the SEVRRA application and the custom tool were 6% and 14%, respectively. After analysis of each event, it was observed that discrepancies occur because the weighting of the robustness of the safety barriers in SEVRRA is inconsistent with that defined in the risk matrix method. These results have profound implications regarding the risk acceptability set in the method. Additionally, it was found that the risk matrix method does not consider the risks inherent to practice. Despite the observed inconsistencies, the potential of the SEVRRA application for risk assessment of radiotherapy facilities is recognized, given that this application is easy to use; however, review of the robustness of certain barriers to obtain the risk profile according to the risk matrix method is recommended. Based on the results, it will be possible to prioritize measures that must be adopted to guarantee the radiological safety of radiotherapy facilities.
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