Determination of lanthanum (La) in soil by neutron activation analysis




Neutron activation analysis, comparator method, validation, performance parameters, lanthanum, geological matrices

How to Cite

O. A. Sierra Arias, D. L. Alonso Contreras, G. A. Parrado Lozano, D. C. Herrera, A. F. Porras Ríos, and M. L. Peña Urueña, “Determination of lanthanum (La) in soil by neutron activation analysis”, rev. investig. apl. nucl., no. 4, pp. 5–15, Nov. 2020.







In the scope of the present work the degree of exposure to natural radiation to which tourists This works describes the procedure carried out through the neutron activation analysis technique for the validation of the lanthanum (La) mass fraction determination in soil matrices. This study shows the principles of relative method applied to instrumental the neutron activation analysis and the experimental procedure used for the evaluation of the performance parameters: selectivity, linearity, detection limit, quantification limit, precision, trueness and uncertainty. The results shows that in the range 0.66 a 38.0 mg/kg of La, the method fulfills the acceptance criteria established in the validation process and as a consequence the assay of La by the developed method offers satisfactory results.


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