Probabilistic safety assessment for secondary standard dosimetry laboratory
Safety assessment, Radiation Risk, Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory, Fault tree, Master Logic DiagramDownloads
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A probabilistic safety analysis methodology was applied for the quantification of the radiological risk associated with the operation of the HopeWell model G-100 irradiator in the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory of the Servicio Geológico Colombiano. The irradiator had a 60Co radioactive source with nominal activity of 185 TBq considered as an extremely dangerous source for people according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. The analysis contemplated the initiating events identification by means of the methodology of master logical diagrams, the determination of the accidental sequences and their frequency by means of fault trees and the estimation of the magnitude of the consequence of each accidental sequence based on the probability causing death of an individual associated with the exposure scenario proposed. The quantified risk was 1, 6 x 10–5 per year for mortal exposition, which is below than the established restriction of 1,44 x 10–4 per year for mortal exposition. Finally, it was found that the most critical security and safety dispositions are those related to training about the meaning of the warning signals at the beginning of the last man outside (LMO) sequences and the beginning of the irradiation, followed by the warning signs.
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