Remote verifications, an alternative to inspections: Case study on the use of nuclear gauges in a refinery
radioactive facility, radiation protection, regulatory control, nuclear gauges, remote verification, Covid-19Downloads
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The public health measures adopted to mitigate the spread of the covid-19 pandemic have had an impact on compliance with the regulatory functions of the use of radioactive materials, especially with regard to the periodicity of inspections of facilities and activities. Considering that Colombia has been no stranger to this situation, a case study was proposed to determine which of the regulatory requirements, and conditions specified in the authorization, which are conventionally verified through on-site visits, can be verified remotely using technological tools, identify the benefits of this type of verification and the possible limitations. Since the use of nuclear gauges is currently, the most representative practice in the country with respect to the number of facilities in operation, to the Cartagena Refinery S.A.S. was chosen for the case study, which is the facility with the largest number of sources used in nuclear gauges. The remote verifications were limited to the radiation protection dispositions, with special attention to those verifications that cannot be supplied by documentary supports, such as the verification of the inventory of radioactive sources, the measurement of radiation levels and the interviews to occupationally exposed workers. During the remote visit planning stage, it was necessary to carry out several working groups with the operating entity to delimit the scope of the study, select the technological and communication tools, and identify the participants. During the execution stage, there were connectivity problems and access restrictions due to external causes; however, it was possible to cover all the types of verifications proposed -but with less coverage or for less number of sources-, and to obtain the corresponding evidence. It was observed that, with proper planning and the availability of the necessary technological resources on both sides, remote verifications have the potential to be an alternative to regulatory inspections in the face of the current pandemic scenario and for further conditions. In this way, remote verifications can be an additional mechanism for the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Regulatory Body, generating valuable information for improving inspection, training processes and promoting a culture of safety.
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