Advances in the validation of the delayed neutron counting technique in Colombia for the determination of uranium and thorium in geological samples




validation, CNR, uranium, thorium, mass fraction

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A. M. Velásquez, “Advances in the validation of the delayed neutron counting technique in Colombia for the determination of uranium and thorium in geological samples”, rev. investig. apl. nucl., no. 6, pp. 5–20, May 2022.







The delayed neutron counting (DNC) technique is a fast, sensitive, analytical method that employs small sample amounts and is nondestructive and independent of matrix effects used for the determination of elements such as uranium and thorium. This paper describes advances in the validation process of the DNC technique used for the analysis of uranium and thorium in samples of geological origin. The criteria established by the laboratory to qualify the technique satisfy the set analytical goals, guaranteeing the determination of uranium mass fraction in a traceable and reliable way. On the other hand, for thorium, the development of other studies and analyses is necessary to guarantee the reliability of mass fraction determination with this methodology. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the validation process of the technique leads to the reliable determination of uranium and thorium, contributing to the increase in existing analytical capacities in the country.


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