Implementation of the low-temperature thermocronology laboratory: Intercomparison of the Colombian Geological Survey-Grenoble Alpes University




Apatites, Zircons, Colombia, Dating, Fission tracks, Thermochronology

How to Cite

S. Amaya Ferreira, C. Urueña, M. L. Peña, L. Rayo, and M. Bernet, “Implementation of the low-temperature thermocronology laboratory: Intercomparison of the Colombian Geological Survey-Grenoble Alpes University”, rev. investig. apl. nucl., no. 1, pp. 38–49, Nov. 2017.







This paper presents a historical description of the implementation process of the Low Temperature Thermochronology laboratory at the Colombian Geological Survey. The laboratory is focused on thermochronological dating of apatites and zircons with the fission track method. Here we explain the applied methodology, the results of the inter-calibration process performed in collaboration with the fission-track laboratory at ISTerre Joseph Fourier University and the internal inter-comparison of the SGC laboratory analysts. Furthermore, a viability study and irradiation conditions for fission track analysis in the nuclear reactor IAN-R1 is presented, in order to demonstrate the technical facilities, precision and reliability of the results obtained in the SGC laboratory to the scientific community.


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