Implementation of the methodology for stable isotope δ2H and δ18O by Off Axis ICOS spectroscopy




Water, deuterium, oxygen-18, stable isotopes

How to Cite

A. F. Porras, G. A. Parrado, and M. L. Peña, “Implementation of the methodology for stable isotope δ2H and δ18O by Off Axis ICOS spectroscopy”, rev. investig. apl. nucl., no. 2, pp. 75–81, Dec. 2018.







In this paper we present the parameters to assess during the validation activities in the Laboratory of Stable Isotope Analysis in Water, for the determination of the δ2H and δ18O isotope ratios. In the same way it includes all routine activities, calculation and statistical analysis obtained for isotopic ratios of δ2H between 25.44 and –189.48 mUr and between 2.63 and –24.78 mUr for δ18O, which are water internal standards from the laboratory.


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