Geology of plates 135 San Gil and 151 Charalá: Department of Santander


  • Orlando Pulido González Ingeominas



Colombia, Eastern Codillera, Boyacá, lithological description, plates, mineral occurrences

How to Cite

Pulido González, O. (1980). Geology of plates 135 San Gil and 151 Charalá: Department of Santander. Boletín Geológico, 23(2), 41–78.







The geology of the areas corresponding to plates 135 and 151 (Quadrangle I-12), which cover an area of 4800 km2 in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes in the departments of Santander and Boyacá, is described.

The oldest unit corresponds to the Silgará Formation, consisting of low to medium-grade metamorphic rocks, pre-Devonian, consisting of schists, phyllites, meta-siltstone, and meta-sandstones. On top of these are very low- grade metamorphic rocks, composed of quartzites, phyllites, and argillites, possibly Lower Devonian, and correspond to the Lower Member of the Floresta Formation.

There are outcrops of the western edge of the Mogotes Batholith, considered of Triassic-Jurassic age, in the southeastern part of the study quadrangle.

Sedimentary rocks cover most of the area and range in age from Triassic-Jurassic to Holocene. The Triassic-Jurassic systems are represented by the Montebel, Girón, Jordán, and Arcabuco formations. The Cretaceous includes rocks of the Berriasian-Cenomanian age, mostly belonging to the nomenclature used in the Santander area and part of the one used in the Chiquinquirá region. The Holocene is constituted by the terrace, alluvial, and landslide deposits.

The tectonics are described according to three main bands: The central one, where there are relatively wide folds without major complications, and the east and west bands, which present mostly narrow folds and intense fracturing, reflecting the post-Cretaceous orogenic episodes. The angular unconformity between the Arcabuco and Cumbre formations evidence movements accompanied by folding in post-Arcabuco Formation times.

The occurrences of metallic minerals are scarce and correspond to small manifestations of lead and zinc sulfides. Consequently, gypsum, limestone, and, to a lesser extent, barite and fluorite represent the greatest economic interest in the area regarding non-metallic minerals.


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