Geology of the 167 (Sonsón) and 187 (Salamina) plates
Colombia, map of colombia, Antioquia , Coordillera Central, Antioquean BatholithLicense
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Plates 167 and 187 of the Geological Map of Colombia cover an area of 3600 km2, in the departments of Antioquia and Caldas, on the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes.
The rocks range in age from Precambrian (?) - early Paleozoic to Holocene. Precambrian (?) -Paleozoic rocks make up much of the Central Cordillera. They include highly metamorphosed migmatites, the oldest rocks in the area, quartz-sericite schists, quartzites, green schists, amphibolites, marbles, siltstones, mudstones, and sandstones slightly metamorphosed but retaining the elastic texture of the original sediment. Syntectonic gneisses intruded some of the older rocks during the late Paleozoic orogeny. The metamorphism of these rocks is of Abukuma type varying from high grade, high amphibolite facies to low grade, low green shale facies. Triassic plutons intrude the metamorphic rocks producing a contact aureole with the formation of metamorphic minerals that are not in equilibrium with those developed by dynamothermal metamorphism.
In the upper part of the Central Cordillera, Middle-Late Jurassic sedimentary rocks were found to rest discordantly on the Middle Jurassic Samson Batholith. The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks were divided into two formations: the Early Cretaceous Abejorral Formation, unrelated to volcanic events, and the Quebradagrande Formation, of similar age but closely related to volcanic events. Spillites are associated with ultramafic and mafic rocks forming an ophiolitic complex along the Romeral Fault Zone. This complex and the medium to high- pressure metamorphic rocks that outcrop along the Cauca River have been considered Early Cretaceous.
The Late Cretaceous Antioquian Batholith intrudes the metamorphic rocks forming a well-defined contact aureole that extends up to several kilometers from the known surface outcrops. Near the Cauca River outcrops the Cambumbia stock, of dioritic composition, of Paleocene age, partially covered by continental sediments, locally with exploitable coal seams of late Oligocene - early Miocene age. These sediments and older rocks are intruded by folding and faulting, uplift, and magmatic events during the various Pliocene andesitic and dacitic porphyritic and dacitic rocks, which are locally covered discordantly by the volcanic Combia Formation.
Quaternary alluvium of variable thickness is found in the valleys. Layers of recent volcanic ash cover the older rocks.
Structurally, the western part is controlled by the Romeral Fault Zone formed by several strike-slip faults, approximately parallel to each other and in some places intersecting. The western boundary of this fault zone, marked locally to the west of the mapped area by the Cauca or Sabanalarga fault, marks the geological boundary between the Western and Central cordilleras. The area is part of a large synclinorium intruded by mesozonal syntectonic felsic plutons and later by the epizonal and post-tectonic Antioquian batholith. Intense orogenic episodes have affected the area, obscuring the original stratigraphic and structural relationships.
In conjunction with the geological mapping, regional geochemical sampling was carried out over a slightly larger area, during which some geochemical anomalies were determined. Of these anomalies, the Marmato anomaly has the most favorable lithological, alteration, and mineralization conditions and characteristics for further detailed studies.
Of the mineral resources of economic importance in the area, gold is the main one by the number of people employed in its exploitation. However, by its production and what it represents in the region’s economy, it is more important to exploit raw materials for cement from the Cairo cement factory.
Silver is recovered as a by-product of gold mining. Known deposits of mercury, copper, and manganese are small and insignificant.
In the northeast, there are significant reserves of calcareous rock that could be used to manufacture agricultural lime. Residual clays from the weathering of various rock types are used in the small-scale manufacture of bricks and roof tiles. Kaolin from La Unión and iron-poor claystone from the Abejorral Formation is used in the ceramics industry. Feldspar deposits are exploited in La Ceja and La Unión. Subbituminous coal seams in the Amagá Formation are an important resource, but only one mine operates in the mapped area.
Materials for construction aggregates are abundant and of good quality but are only exploited on a small scale. The alluvium of the Po Blanco and Arma rivers represent a potential source of construction materials for the city of Medellín.
The chapter on historical geology tries to reconstruct the different geological events that, over time, have given the mountain ranges their configuration until they reached their present form, helped in recent times by the intense human activity in the area.
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