A local extinction event in the La Paz karstic area, Santander. First record for a subterranean environment in Colombia



Vista general del Hoyo del Aire. Paredes interna del sector norte (izquierda). Fondo de del Hoyo del Aire (derecha). Fotografía: Cesar A. Castellanos

How to Cite

Castellanos-Morales, C. A., Vargas, F. ., & Sosa-González, W. E. (2024). A local extinction event in the La Paz karstic area, Santander. First record for a subterranean environment in Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 51(2). https://doi.org/10.32685/0120-1425/bol.geol.51.2.2024.735




In general terms, local extinction refers to the loss of a species in a specific area, a habitat or a subarea within a region; but recognizing that other populations of the same species may recolonize in the future, the same places from which they had disappeared. The objective of this manuscript is to present the first record of a local extinction event within a subterranean environment of the municipality of La Paz, department of Santander, Colombia. The methodology used is based on the historical review of information presented by the first explorers who visited and documented the presence of different fauna population inside of Hoyo del Aire. The Results indicate that during the 9th century, a population of macaws (genus Ara) lived in the Hoyo del Aire underground environment. This group of birds has not had any reports from this region during this century. In conclusion, and based on historical records, it can be assured with reasonable certainty that a local extinction event occurred in a habitat in the karst area of La Paz. The importance of discussing processes of species repopulation in places that, like Hoyo del Aire, have suffered the loss of native species, is raised here.


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