Microscopic stygobiota of an Amazonian blackwater ground-water river, Tepuy Yarí Cave, Caquetá, Colombia



Organismos representativos encontrados en las muestras de estigobiota.

How to Cite

Gallo-Martínez, H. W., Barbosa-Trujillo, O., Sauro, F., & Lasso, C. A. . (2024). Microscopic stygobiota of an Amazonian blackwater ground-water river, Tepuy Yarí Cave, Caquetá, Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 51(2). https://doi.org/10.32685/0120-1425/bol.geol.51.2.2024.738




Microscopic stygobiota were studied in a blackwater cave river in the Yarí forests, Caquetá. Sampling was carried out in the hypogeum section of the river from a quartz-arenite cave, including the lotic (riverbed) and lentic (interconnected pool) sections of the river, by filtering 100 L of water with a 22-micron zooplankton net. Quantitative analyses were performed using alpha biodiversity estimators. A higher abundance, diversity and richness of organisms were recorded in the lentic system (15 species and 4 morphospecies, grouped in 7 phylum, 10 classes, 11 orders and 15 families), in relation to the lotic system (6 species and 2 morphospecies, from 5 phylum, 6 classes, 7 orders and 7 families), for a total of 15 species and 5 morphospecies in the two systems, grouped in 7 phylum, 10 classes, 11 orders and 15 families. The organisms identified are part of groups known as testate amoebae, rotifers, copepods, mites, brown algae, green algae and diatoms, indicating that the absence of light is not a limiting factor for the distribution of these microorganisms, as they are not strict in these types of habitats. It is possible that the organisms that reach this section of the cave are carried by epigean currents and percolation waters, forming stable populations, which is evidence of biotic exchange between both systems (hypogeum-epigeum). For the microscopic ecology of these communities, this is the first study of this type in the Colombian Amazon.


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