Feeding habits of three species of cave catfishes of the genus Trichomycterus (Siluriformes; Trichomycteridae) in the Caribbean and Magdalena basins, Colombia



A) Trichomycterus latistriatus, B) Trichomycterus rosablanca, C) Tri-chomycterus spectrum. Fotos: Oscar Barbosa-Trujillo.

How to Cite

Barbosa-Trujillo, B.-T., Gallo Martinez, H. ., Lasso, C. A., Gonzalez-Vargas, A. A., & Valdivieso-Bohórquez, G. (2024). Feeding habits of three species of cave catfishes of the genus Trichomycterus (Siluriformes; Trichomycteridae) in the Caribbean and Magdalena basins, Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 51(2). https://doi.org/10.32685/0120-1425/bol.geol.51.2.2024.739




The objective of this study was to compare the diet of three species of cave catfish (Trichomycterus latistriatus, Trichomycterus rosablanca and Trichomycterus spectrum) in the Caribbean (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) and Magdalena (Andes) basins Colombia, using classical methods for the analysis of stochastic contents: volumetric percentage, frequency of occurrence (%FA), food importance index (IA) and Levin's standardized index. The Costello's graphical method, modified by Amundsen et al. (1996), was used to determine the feeding strategy. A total of 44 stomachs were analyzed, 22 corresponding to T. latistriatus, 13 to T. rosablanca, and 9 to T. spectrum; the first two species came from three caves with epigeal communication, in the municipality of Curití, Santander (Andes) and the last one from two hypogean caves sensu stricto in the Serranía de Bañaderos (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta). The results indicate that T. latistriatus presents the widest trophic spectrum and although most of the items were secondary according to their %FA, Chironomidae, Ostracoda, Trichoptera and Copepoda, are those that contribute the most to the diet of this species. The Coleoptera, Chironomidae and Trichoptera groups were the main prey items in T. rosablanca. In T. spectrum no item was representative at the population level, in addition, the consumption of carrion and the low predation of Diptera in the latter species are highlighted. This suggests that all three species are entomophagous-opportunistic and generalist.


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