Open call for articles

1. Open call to publish in Boletín Geológico, volume 52(1), january - june, 2025

The Boletín Geológico invites researchers in Earth Sciences to submit their manuscripts for publication in january - june, 2025.

Boletín Geológico is an Open Access scientific journal, Diamond type, edited by the Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) since 1953 that publishes peer-reviewed articles on Earth Sciences. Boletín Geológico publishes research, review, and data articles in Spanish and English about the following fields:

  • Stratigraphy, sedimentology, structure and evolution of basins.
  • Geochemistry, geophysics, volcanology, igneous and metamorphic petrology.
  • Tectonics, seismotectonic and geodynamic modeling.
  • Hydrogeology, oceanography and geothermal energy.
  • Economic geology, mineralogy, metallogenesis, hydrocarbon genesis and reservoirs.
  • Geomorphology, geological hazards, environmental geology, soil research, climate change and geological heritage.
  • Paleontology, paleoclimatology, Quaternary geology, speleology, and geoarcheology.
  • Software applications and artificial intelligence in Earth sciences.

Interested researchers should follow the instructions to the authors and submit their manuscripts through the "Submit manuscripts" tab on the right panel of the website. Contributions are received in Spanish or English.

All manuscripts will be submitted to the peer review process by national and international reviewers, according to the journal editorial policy. All works will be welcome to start the evaluation process.

We will be attentive to your contribution

                           Mario Maya - Editor Boletín Geológico