Editorial Policy
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Authors' Instructions
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About the journal & Editorial Policy
ISSN impreso: 0120-1425
ISSN digital: 2711-1318
Objective and scope
Boletín Geológico is an Open Access scientific journal, Diamond type, edited by the Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) since 1953 that publishes peer-reviewed articles on Earth Sciences. Boletín Geológico publishes research, review, and data articles in Spanish and English.
Scope: To disseminate scientific knowledge in the following fields of research:
- Stratigraphy, sedimentology, structure and evolution of basins.
- Geochemistry, geophysics, volcanology, igneous and metamorphic petrology.
- Tectonics, seismotectonic and geodynamic modeling.
- Hydrogeology, oceanography and geothermal energy.
- Economic geology, mineralogy, metallogenesis, hydrocarbon genesis and reservoirs.
- Geomorphology, geological hazards, environmental geology, soil research, climate change and geological heritage.
- Paleontology, paleoclimatology, Quaternary geology and geoarcheology.
- Software applications and artificial intelligence in Earth sciences.
Publication frecuency
The journal has biannual periodicity, it is published during the periods January - June, and July - December.
Boletín Geológico is completely funded by the Servicio Geológico Colombiano.
Editorial Polices
Diamond Open Access Policy
Boletín Geológico is committed to being a part of the Diamond Open Access movement, providing free access to scholarly publications, open-access databases, directories, in which the journal is indexed through its webpage: https://revistas.sgc.gov.co/index.php/boletingeo/index.
The content of the journal is protected under a Creative Commons - attribution license. Consequently, the work may be copied, redistributed, remixed, adapted, transformed, and built upon to create new works from the content for any purpose (including commercial purposes). The journal guarantees open access to all published content. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full texts of the articles. Whoever exercises any of the aforementioned rights must adequately credit the copyright on the original work and indicate if the work was modified.
The Servicio Geológico Colombiano is not responsible for any damage or harm derived from the exercise of the rights granted under the Creative Commons attribution license, nor does it offer guarantees of any kind in relation to the licensed material.
Atribution (CC BY)
Authors Charges
The contents of the journal are freely available without charge to readers and can be reused after download with proper bibliographic reference.
The journal does not charge authors any fees for sending or receiving their article, for the editorial process, or for publishing.
The authors grant their patrimonial rights to Boletín Geológico to allow legal dissemination through open access to databases and repositories. They may distribute the article, indicating that it was published by Boletín Geológico including the correspondent DOI. The journal allows and recommends authors to share the published article through academic networks, institutional repositories or personal web sites.
Authors must declare that all authors have read and approved the final version of the submitted manuscript along with the Letter of authorship which must be signed by all authors. Likewise, they have to ensure the manuscript is an original work and it has not been published before and it is not under consideration for publication by another Journal, in English and in foreign languages, in all format and media of expression, including printed or electronic versions.
Archiving Policy
Boletín Geológico uses the LOCKSS system to create a storage system that allows the creation of permanent files for conservation and restoration purposes.