Estimation of neutron flux parameters f and Φth by using both reference soil materials and Al-Au alloy Irradiation




Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, validation, neutron flux parameters, gamma spectrometry

How to Cite

O. A. Sierra, G. A. Parrado, D. L. Alonso, D. C. Herrera, M. L. Peña, and A. F. Porras, “Estimation of neutron flux parameters f and Φth by using both reference soil materials and Al-Au alloy Irradiation”, rev. investig. apl. nucl., no. 1, pp. 24–29, Nov. 2017.







In this paper, the parameters thermal to epithermal neutron flux ratio (f) and thermal neutron flux (Φth) are estimated (assuming α = 0) for the periphery irradiation positions (G3-G4) available at Nuclear Research Reactor IAN-R1 that belongs to the Colombian Geological Survey. This estimation was performed by measuring the induced activity, from neutron capture reactions (n, γ) in two reference soils, which were irradiated (n = 4) together with Al-Au monitors. Four reference
capture reactions were considered in soils, which involve isotopes of elements with certified mass fraction and 1/v behavior for cross section variation in the range of thermal neutron energy. An average value of 33 (CV = 9%) for f was found, considering 8 positions in the irradiation container; this value is comparable with measurements reported for periphery irradiation channels of TRIGA type reactors. the average thermal neutron flux determined for the 8 position of the
container resulted in 1,5×1011 n cm-2 s-1 (CV = 4 %).


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