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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration or in other lenguage (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Understand the editorial policy of the Boletín Geológico and the derived processes and be in agreement with them.
  • Abide by all ethical guidelines for authors.
  • Include all the people who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript as authors.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Author Guidelines

Preliminary topics

The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration

Understand the editorial policy of the Boletín Geológico and the derived processes and be in agreement with them.

Include all the people who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript as authors.

Abide by all ethical guidelines for authors.

In the event that the reviewers of the article suggest the need to make changes or adjustments before their approval, the authors agree to make those adjustments to continue with the process, in the time specified by the journal, until the editor takes the final approval or rejection decision on its publication. Failure to comply with this commitment will cause the manuscript to be rejected.

The obligations of the authors are included in the letter of authorship found HERE, or in the corresponding steps when submitting an article. Sending the letter of authorship is an essential requirement for the submission of an article.

Transfer of property rights to the Servicio Geologico Colombiano

The authors of an article approved for publication transfer patrimonial copyright to the Servicio Geológico Colombiano for its subsequent dissemination, reproduction and distribution in the printed and digital media available to the Servicio Geológico Colombiano, as well as for its inclusion in national or international databases and indexes.

Structure of articles

- Research article

  • Title (English/Spanish)
  • Authors, filiation, email address,  ORCID-iD.

    Authors must be people.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) or its applications are not supported as an author of an article.  If AI is used in the development of the research, this must be indicated in the article and the name of the application used in each case must be specified.  The authors will always be responsible for the content of the article.

  • Autor para correspondencia, dirección electrónica)
  • Abstract / Resumen.  Written in four paragraphs with the following topics: scope, method, results, and conclusions in a maximum of 250 words),
  • Keywords: six keywords not included in the title
  • Introduction.  Background, objectives, localization, global and local map with geographic coordinates
  • Reference framework (geological, structural, metallogenic, etc.),
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Supplementary data (native files: word and excel format, maps, videos)
  • Funding. Project name, code, Institution 
  • Conflict of interest statement
  • Acknowledgments (project in which it was made research, funding institutions and contributors)
  • References


- Data article

A data paper is a peer reviewed document describing a dataset without providing conclusions or interpretive insights.  The structure of a data article is the following with the explanation of some of them.

  • Title (English / Spanish): Include the word “data”
  • Authors (filiation, email address, ORCID-iD).

    Authors must be people.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) or its applications are not supported as an author of an article.  If AI is used in the development of the research, this must be indicated in the article and the name of the application used in each case must be specified.  The authors will always be responsible for the content of the article.

  • Abstract (maximum 150 words)
  •  key words: six keywords not included in the title
  • Introduction (Include a map with location)
  • Description of the data (Include Table - Data specifications)
  • Importance and use of the data
  • Materials and Method
  • Access to data
  • Supplementary data
  • Conflict of interest statement
  • Funding
  • Conflict of interest statement
  • Acknowledgments
  • References

Abstract. The Abstract should describe the data collection process, the analysis performed, the data, and their reuse potential. It should not provide conclusions or interpretive insights. Do not use words such as ‘study’, ‘results’, and ‘conclusions’ because a data article should be describing your data only.

Introduction. The Background should provide an overview of the study design, the assay(s) performed, and the data generated, including any background information needed to put this study in the context of previous work and the literature, and should reference literature as needed. The section should also briefly outline the broader goals that motivated collection of the data, as well as their potential reuse value. We also encourage authors to include a figure that provides a schematic overview of the study and assay(s) design.   Include a global and local map with geographic coordinates.

 Description of the data.  Individually describe each data file (i.e., figure 1, figure 2, table 1, dataset, raw data, supplementary data, etc.) that are included in this article. Please make sure you refer to every data file and provide a clear description for each – do not simply list them. No insight, interpretation, background or conclusions should be included in this section. Please include legends with any tables, figures or graphs.  Describe any supplementary data files.  Include the following table:

Specifications Table



Specific subject area


Type of data


How data were acquired


Data format


Parameters for data collection


Description of data collection


Data source location


Data accessibility


Method.  The Methods should include detailed text describing any steps or procedures used in producing the data, including full descriptions of the experimental design, data acquisition assays, and any computational processing (e.g. normalization, image feature extraction). Related methods should be grouped under corresponding subheadings where possible, and methods should be described in enough detail to allow other researchers to interpret and repeat, if required, the full study. 

 Access to data.  The Usage Notes should contain brief instructions to assist other researchers with reuse of the data. This may include discussion of software packages that are suitable for analysing the assay data files, suggested downstream processing steps (i.e., normalization, etc.), or tips for integrating or comparing the data records with other datasets. Authors are encouraged to provide code, programs or data-processing workflows if they may help others understand or use the data.

For studies involving privacy or safety controls on public access to the data, this section should describe in detail these controls, including how authors can apply to access the data, what criteria will be used to determine who may access the data, and any limitations on data use.

Conflict of interest statement. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Supplementary data.  In the case of including the data in the article and not in a repository

Acknowledgments.  Include funding institution, project number, contributors

 References.  Use updated APA

 Instructions for typing the manuscript

The submission file must be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. 

The title, in Spanish and English, should be concise and reflect the subject matter.

Maximum length with one column format

  • Research article: 8000 words in one column;
  • Review article: 10000 words;
  • Data article: 5000 words

 -  Tables

Tables must be submitted in an editable format, not as images, and they must be accompanied by an explicit legend and source. They must be referenced in the text, and they must be essential to explain or further support the argument of the article.

-  Figures

Figures, such as diagrams, photographs or maps, should be sent in graphics files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi or in PDF and in vectors. Each figure must be cited in the text and be accompanied by an explanatory legend that includes the source if they are from others authors

Images from sources other than the authors of the article must have the permission from the authors of the original image, be free of copyright conflicts or have a Creative Commons license (for further information, please refer to: Maps, aerial photographs and satellite images should include a graphic scale.

- Citations

The citation format of Boletín Geológico is APA style. In the text, citations must include the author’s name and date of publication, and all references must be listed in the references section.

When several works by the same author are cited, they must be organized in chronological order and will be shown separated by a comma: (Groat, 2014).

When a reference has two authors, the surnames of both authors must be cited and separated by the conjunction “&”: (Pokrovski & Dubessy, 2014) or Pokrovski & Dubessy (2014).

When the reference has three or more authors, only the first author must be cited, followed by the abbreviation “et al.”: (Feneyrol et al., 2013) or Feneyrol et al. (2013).

In the case of a corporate author, the name of the organization must be written the first time with the acronym in parentheses, followed by the year; subsequently, only the acronym will be mentioned (Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC), 2017).

When citing several references, they must be chronologically sorted and separated by semicolons: (Mantilla et al., 2013; Van der Lelij et al., 2016; Rodríguez et al., 2017). When a specific page of a reference is cited, the page number must be included after the year and be preceded by the abbreviation p., or pp. in the case of several pages: (Groat, 2014, p. 48).

- Quotes

When the quote is shorter than forty words, it must be written within the paragraph, in quotation marks and without italics. The reference must be included at the end of the quote (Groat, 2014, p. 48).

When the quote is longer than forty words, it must be written in a separate paragraph, with a 2.5-cm left indent, without quotation marks or italics and with a font size one point smaller than the body text. The reference must be included at the end of the quotation (Groat, 2014, p. 48).

- References

According to the APA format, only the first letter (initial) of the first names of the authors is provided. In the case where two surnames are included, they must not be separated by a hyphen. References must be written in single-space format and with a 1-cm hanging indent (in a hanging indent, the first line of the paragraph is not indented, and all subsequent lines are indented, in this case, 1 cm). If the documents have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), this identifier must be included at the end of the reference.

- Books

Only the first letter (initial) of the first word and of proper names, if any, in the titles of books are capitalized. The titles should be italicized, and the subtitle separated from the title by a colon, not by a period. In Spanish, the first letter of a word following a colon is written in uppercase font; in English, this letter is capitalized.

The information provided must strictly correspond to that included in the following examples and with the same scoring rules between each element of the reference:

Maynard, J. (1983). Geochemistry of sedimentary ore deposits. Springer-Verlag.

Gaviria, S. (2016). Química para geología: aplicación en laboratorio y campo. Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia

-  Book chapters

For chapters the same rules apply as for book titles, with the difference that chapter titles are not italicized. The title of the book from which the chapter originates, introduced by the preposition "In", should be indicated in italics.

The information provided must strictly correspond to that included in the following examples and with the same scoring rules between each element of the reference:

Horstwood, M. (2008). Data reduction strategies, uncertainty assessment and resolution of LA–(MC–) ICP–MS isotope data. En P. Sylvester (Ed.), Laser ablation–ICP–MS in the Earth Sciences: Current practices and outstanding issues. Mineralogical Association of Canada.

Reimann, C., Birke, M., Demetriades, A., Filzmoser, P., y O’Connor, P. (2014). The gemas project - concept and background. En C. Reimann, A. Demetriades, M. Birke e I. Schoeters (Eds.). Chemistry of Europe's Agricultural Soils, Part A. Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe.

- Journal articles

For the titles of journal articles the same rules apply as for the titles of book chapters, with the difference that the titles of the journals are capitalized in the initial of all significant words (first word, nouns, verbs and adjectives), are written in italics and are not introduced by the preposition "In".

The information provided must correspond strictly to that included in the following examples and with the same scoring rules between each element of the reference:

Burgl, H. (1981). Sedimentación cíclica en el geosinclinal cretáceo de la cordillera Oriental de Colombia. Boletín Geológico7(1-3), 85-118.

Domeier, M. y Torsvik, T. (2014). Plate tectonics in the late Paleozoic. Geoscience Frontiers, 5(3): 303-350. Doi: 10.1016/j.gsf.2014.01.002.

- Thesis

 Van der Lelij, R. (2013). Reconstructing north-western Gondwana with implications for the evolution of the Iapetus and Rheic Oceans: A geochronological, thermochronological and geochemical study (tesis de doctorado).  Université de Genève, Ginebra, Suiza.

-  Congresses, seminars and others

The titles of the papers presented in these contests are written without italics and are capitalized only in the initial of the first word and in the proper nouns, if they have them. Event names are capitalized in all meaningful words.

The information provided must strictly correspond to that included in the following example and with the same scoring rules between each element of the reference:

Duque Caro, H. (1972). The geology of Monteria area. 14th. Annual Conference. Colombian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists, Bogotá.

- Maps

The information provided must strictly correspond to that included in the following example and with the same scoring rules between each element of the reference:

Behrendt, J. y Bajwa, L. (1972). Bouguer gravity map of Colorado. Scale 1:500.000. U.S. Geological Survey.

-  Websites

University of Innsbruck. (2018). Giant earthquakes: Not as random as thought. ScienceDaily. Disponible en

Geobulletin. (2018). Disponible en

- Suggested links

Servicio Geológico Colombiano Style Standard

Escallón Silva, J., & Hernández, C. (Eds.). (2021). Manual de estilo del Servicio Geológico Colombiano. Libros del Servicio Geológico. DOI:

Keywords in geosciences: :

APA Standards:

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.