The Giron Group, a Mesozoic molasse of the Eastern Cordillera
Colombia, lithological description, stratigraphy, Girón Formation, Los Santos Formation, BerriasianDownloads
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In its type locality (Lebrija River, Eastern Cordillera of Colombia), the Girón Group is composed of a series of sandstones and periodic intercalations of red shales (red beds), with a total thickness of approximately 4840 m. Thus, the type of stratigraphic column can be divided into two formations: 1) the Girón Formation (± 4650 m.), of Triassic-Jurassic age, and 2) the Los Santos Formation (± 190 m.), which concordantly overlies the first one and probably belongs to the Berriasian.
The Girón Formation consists of subgrauwacs, and red shales deposited in a mainly fluvial or limno-fluvial environment. The Los Santos Formation, a marine protoquartzite deposit, contains occasional intercalations of red beds and/or dark shales. The Girón Group discordantly overlies Devonian, Carbonian, and Permian marine sediments (Bocas and Jordán Formations); locally, it rests directly on crystalline rocks.
This group represents a typical post-Variscan molasse, transported in a predominantly E-W direction and formed by four megacyclothems deposited in an N-S oriented basin; in the W, it is interdigitated with Triassic-Jurassic marine sediments of the Andean geosyncline (Central Cordillera).
The Jordán Formation (Permian?), a new stratigraphic unit, is composed of thin, red siltstones and sandstones; it contains welded acid tuffs and intermediate-basic volcanic rocks. The Jordán Formation was recognized in the W and S of the Santander Massif, as well as in the Serranía de Perijá, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Quetame Massif.
The Girón molasse outcrops in different regions of the W flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and is also known in the Mérida Range, Venezuela, under the name of La Quinta Formation.
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