Petrological investigations in plates 429 Pasto and 410 La Unión, with special emphasis on the Galeras volcanic complex


  • Héctor Cepeda V. Ingeominas



Colombia, Andean Block, La Cocha, migmatitic complex, metamorphism, Buesaco, calderic activity, volcanism

How to Cite

Cepeda V., H. (1989). Petrological investigations in plates 429 Pasto and 410 La Unión, with special emphasis on the Galeras volcanic complex. Boletín Geológico, 30(1), 48–113.







The a

The area is part of the southern end of the Andean Block in Colombia. The Precambrian rocks of the Migmatitic Complex of La Cocha - Téllez River, affected by high-grade metamorphism, are part of the core of the Central-Eastern Cordillera. Paleozoic rocks, represented by the Buesaco Metamorphic Complex, are affected by low grade metamorphism and outcrop in the Central Cordillera. The Mesozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks were subjected to very low to low- grade metamorphism and formed the Western Cordillera and the basement of the Cauca-Patía Inter-Andean Depression. The Tertiary sedimentary formations, Mosquera and Esmita, represent molasic rocks that fill the Cauca-Patía Depression. The described rocks have been intruded by plutonites and subvulcanites of intermediate composition.

Cenozoic volcanism in southwestern Colombia can be divided into two stages: the first, older and extinct, is spatio temporally related to the above-mentioned subvolcanic activity, and the second includes currently active volcanism. In the area, both stages are represented, and an example of them is the Galeras Volcanic Complex to which the Galeras volcano belongs, an active stratovolcano or volcano-caldera, whose activity implies a risk for the life and economic activity of the inhabitants of its slopes and surroundings.

The chemical composition of the major elements in the lavas of the Galeras volcanic complex indicates that they are andesites of the calc-alkaline series with little differentiation. The geochemical behavior of these and some trace elements (Li, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Rb, Sr, Se, Y, and Zr), as well as the presence of olivine xenocrysts and glomero-crystals, indicate that these lavas were formed by fractional crystallization; adding to this the mineralogy, the geotectonic location and the values of the 143Nd/Nd and 144 87Sr/Sr 86and 18O isotope ratios, we can conclude that the lavas of the Galeras volcanic complex are orogenic andesites derived from magmas formed on destructive plate margins (island arc or immature continental margin), from the mantle wedge and oceanic crust of the Nazca Plate subducting under the South American plate, without having undergone significant continental contamination.

rea is part of the southernmost sector of the Andean Block in Colombia. Precambrian high grade metamorphic rocks, the La Cocha - Rio Téllez Migmatitic Complex, make up the center of the Cordillera Central-Oriental; Paleozoic low grade metamorphic rocks, the Buesaco Metamorphic Complex, crop out in the Cordillera Central; Mesozoic low to very low grade metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks form the Cordillera Occidental and the basament of the Cauca-Patía Interandean Depresión; and the Tertiary sedimentary formations, Mosquera and Esmita, are molassic rocks which fill the Cauca-Pati'a Depression. AII of the rocks are intruded by plutons and sub-volcanic bodies of intermediate composition.

Two stages can be distinguished in the Cenozoic volcanism of southwestern Colombia: the first and extinct stage is connected in space and time with the sub-volcanic activity already mentioned; the second includes the present active volcanism. In the study area, both stages are present; the Galeras Volcanic Complex exemplifies both, ot which the Galeras Volcano, an active strato-volcano or caldera-volcano that presents hazards to the I ives and economic activity of the inhabitants of its slopes and adjacent areas, belongs to the final stage.

The chemical composition of major elements of the Galeras Volcanic Complex lavas show that they are calc-alcaline andesites with little differentitation; geochemical behavior of these elements and sorne traceelements (Li, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Rb, Sr, Se, Y and Zr), as well as the presence of olivine xenocrysts and glomerocrysts as show thatthese lavas formed by fractional cristalization; the mineralogy, the geotectonic setting and isotopic ratio values of 143Nd/144Nd y 87Sr/86Sr, y de 18O also help to deduce that the lavas of the Galeras Volcanic Complex are orogenic andesites with little continental contamination derivated from magmas formed at a destructive plate margin (island are or inmature continental margins), supplied from the mantlewedge and the oceanic crust of the Nazca Plate which is subducting the Southamerican Plate.


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