Exploración regional de rocas ornamentales entre el municipio de Valledupar y las inspecciones de Patillal y Badillo – departamento del Cesar – Colombia
Roca Ornamental, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, áreas potenciales, granitosLicense
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Using appropriate geologic cartography techniques and selection of the promi-ssory areas, 3 sectors were identified with granitic rocks of ornamental potential: Patilla!, Socola and Palomas; the sampling areas and characterized their materials with ornamental purpose.
The results of field and the actual laboratory analyses confirm the kindness of the granitic rocks with good shine and behavior to the cut, good apparent permeability and hardness (6,5.-7) and the physical-mechanics indicators that define them from similar conditions to the granites that are marketed worldwide and of acceptance in the market for their application in floors taverns walls ' , ' lapidary industry, ornamental and handmade elements. Sectors where it is recommended to continue with the exploratory process of pre-feasibility and technician - economic viability.
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