Optimization study of the variables involved in the production, at laboratory scale, of magnesium sulfate from magnesites from Valle del Cauca and Magdalena
Colombia, raw material, salts, agrochemical industry, Doolittle Method, reservoirsDownloads
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The project sought to carry out a study of the use of national magnesites to establish technical parameters that allow its use as raw material for obtaining salts used in the Agrochemical Industry.
This study contemplated the chemical characterization and laboratory- scale production of magnesium sulfate from magnesites from the departments of Valle del Cauca and Magdalena.
Seven samples from the exploitation fronts in Bolivar - Valle and nine samples from the magnesite exploitation zone in Santa Marta - Magdalena were studied.
To optimize the extraction of MgO present in magnesites, a type 23 experimental design matrix was used, and the studied processes were modeled. Doolittle's method was used in the construction of the mathematical models. The factorial significance and optimization of the processes were carried out by analysis of variance (ANO VA), using the STATGRAPH 7.0 statistical program.
The results obtained at the laboratory scale are promising but should be tested at the pilot scale for technical and economic feasibility studies.
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