Phosphate rock in Colombia, with a section on phosphates from Turmequé, Boyacá


  • James B. Cathcart U. S. Geological Survey
  • Francisco Zambrano Inventario Minero Nacional
  • Pedro E. Mojica G. Inventario Minero Nacional



Colombia, eastern coordillera, exploration, phosphorite deposits, Cretaceous, Guadalupe Formation

How to Cite

Cathcart, J. B., Zambrano, F., & Mojica G., P. E. (1967). Phosphate rock in Colombia, with a section on phosphates from Turmequé, Boyacá. Boletín Geológico, 15(1-3), 65–162.







Exploration for phosphate in Colombia was successfully carried out for 3 1/2 months by the National Mining Inventory of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum of the Republic of Colombia, with advice from the U.S. Geological Survey, under the auspices of the Agency for International Development. Exploration theory based on modern studies of phosphorite deposits indicates that phosphate is deposited in the myogeosyncline adjacent to the foreland or craton, where deeper parts of the ocean can be formed, where deposition of elastic material is minimal, and where upwellings deposit a series of rocks characterized by chert, black clay, carbonate rocks, and phosphorite.

Previous work in Colombia had shown that phosphate is present only in rocks of Cretaceous age. It is most abundant in Upper Cretaceous rocks in the Guadalupe and La Luna formations of the Eastern Cordillera.


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