Methodology for the mapping of landslide susceptibility zones from remote sensing and G.I.S.
Colombia, Chicamocha (Upper Valley), SPOT-XS, LANDSAT-TM, Digital Terrain ModelDownloads
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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digital maps obtained from SPOT-XS, and LANDSAT-TM images and a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) have facilitated the development of a new correlation method to obtain different landslide susceptibility maps. Based on statistical analysis, this method quantitatively determines the weight or degree of susceptibility of each terrain unit to three types of landslides, classified by their age, activity, and dimensions: major active, minor active, and old inactive.
Seven terrain factors have been considered in this study: lithology, structural (lineament density), land use and occupancy, slope steepness, slope orientation, and drainage density.
This study also demonstrates that in areas of frequent cloud cover where it is difficult to obtain SPOT stereoscopic imagery, the combination of SPOT-XS and LANOSA T-TM by automatic correlation obtained stereoscopic and MNT, which was very useful in the mapping of susceptibility maps.
The pilot area is in the eastern mountain range of the Colombian Andes in the upper valley of the Chicamocha River, representing a natural laboratory for applying the method developed here.
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