Deformation and tectonic processes on the Manta Peninsula, Ecuador: a look through the statistical and kinematic analysis of discontinuities


  • Hernan Javier Lara Saavedra Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, San Cayetano Alto s/n, Loja, Ecuador
  • María José Briones Vera Universidad de Guayaquil, Av. Raúl Gómez Lince s/n, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

(a) Sinclinal en plataforma de abrasión, (b) falla normal sinestral (----) en la Sección Uno

How to Cite

Lara Saavedra, H. J., & Briones Vera, M. J. . (2023). Deformation and tectonic processes on the Manta Peninsula, Ecuador: a look through the statistical and kinematic analysis of discontinuities . Boletín Geológico, 50(1).







The present research aimed to determine the orientation of stress axes and fields and their correlation with the regional tectonic context of the San Mateo Formation outcrops, Manta Peninsula, Ecuador. A total of 123 structural data from four sections were obtained and interpreted through statistical and kinematic analysis. The statistical analysis of discontinuities was elaborated using the stereographic projection of faults and joints in Dips 5.1 and ioGAS 7.4.2 software. The subfeldspathic and sublitharenitic sandstones demonstrate that the study area was subjected to compressive and tensile stress fields with W-E, SW-NE, and NW-SE directions which suggests the complexity of the tectonic history in the region. The orientation of compressive and tensile stresses in the same direction indicates intermittency in tectonic processes generating tensile structures in compressive stress fields. The discontinuities contain transcurrent kinematic components derived from the dextral strike-slip system which indicate the presence of significant horizontal deformation in the region. Compressive and tensile stresses in the Manta Peninsula were calculated as the NO-SE orientation representing the principal stress (σ1) while the NE-SO orientation represents the minor stress (σ3). The Rose Plot clearly shows the N-S direction in a range of 0.0°-20.0° in joints. Two structural events of faulting were obtained as a result of structural controls, both having high dips and orientations of NNE-SSO and NNO-SSE. The dip for both events varies between 87.9° and 89.8°. The Carnegie Ridge collides with the Manta Peninsula generating a concave margin towards the Pacific Ocean similar to the subduction system of the Mariana Trench.


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