Revisiting the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous Los Santos Formation, Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. B – A transgressive river mouth deposit in a syntectonic scenario
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During the history of research work on the origin of the Los Santos Formation and its significance in the Mesas and Cuestas area (Eastern Cordillera of Colombia), it has been assigned a depositional environment, either as entirely marine or completely fluvial. Based on lithostratigraphic segmentation and facies association analysis, I provide critical clues for the interpretation of depositional environments and particularly relevant to sedimentological assessment changes in the studied succession. This study shows for the lower part of the unit (segment A) the development of alluvial, braided and meandering deposits in the block constituted eastward of the Suarez fault and south of the Los Montes transverse fault. Toward north the succession of the Los Santos appears to be related with the activity of the Lebrija, Solferino and Bucaramanga faults contribution, presenting a possible sediment source from the Jordan Formation. South of the Sogamoso fault and west of the Suarez fault, fluvial deposits, mostly meandering are recorded in segment A. There is some indication of tidal influence in the finer-textured overlying deposit (segment B), interpreted like a central estuary. This widely distributed mud-dominated deposit is cut by a tidal ravinement surface (tRS1), and overlain by a complex of sand-dominated deposits at the mouth of the estuary (segment C), comprising dominant composite dune fields and intertidal sandbars. However, the consolidation process of this deposit at the mouth of the estuary was followed by small regressive and transgressive episodes recorded in segment D, in response to fluctuations in the base level, possibly regulated by tectonic activity.
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