Geochemical mapping of Plate 209, Zipaquirá


  • Sonia Güiza González Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería
  • Luz Myriam González Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería
  • Álvaro Espinosa González Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería



Geochemistry, chemical elements, sediments, environmental soils, exploration, Zipaquirá, Bogotá basin, statistical analysis, geochemical region

How to Cite

Güiza González, S., González, L. M., & Espinosa González, Álvaro. (2006). Geochemical mapping of Plate 209, Zipaquirá. Boletín Geológico, (41), 9–40.







Results of a geochemistry cartography covering the area of Plate 209-Zipaquirá, are presented in this article. It includes a review of geology, geomorphology and soil information. The results of chemical analysis of soils, sediments and water samples were statistically processed and a multivariate analysis was carried out to find groups of element associated to facilitate the identification of geochemical characteristics in the zone. Also after a geostatistical analysis was done, point concentration and spatial distribution map were constructed far each chemical element and each sampling media.

In respect to environmental aspects, the leveis of the elements classified as potentially dangerous (EPP) far its toxicity and effect in human health, were analyzed in each sampling media: water, soil (horizon A) and sediments. The study also gives infarmation about elements important in relation to its impact in agricultura use of soil.

In relation to water quality, the main elements that exceed recommended values are iron, manganese, and aluminum, in sediments cadmium, zinc, lead, arsenic and in soils vanadium.

Regarding geochemical interpretation far possible mineral deposits, elements of economical interest were analyzed and geochemical differentiable regions were delimitated having element associations and the presence of outliers (extremely high concentration values) in account.

Between the a reas of interest there is San Cayetano, located NW and the Machetá- Manta area located in the SE of the Plate. In these areas the influence of cretacic marine origin rocks is evident and higher levels, in relation to the rest of the plate, of sorne elements including rare earth element are present. In Lenguazaque area is evident the influence of coal mining in the high levels of sorne elements in all sampling media especially in soils and sediments. In the Zipaquirá area, were there are salt diapirism, and also cretaceous marine influence; there is an increase in elements like As, Ba, Cu, and Sb.

Finally, far the High Bogotá river basin, two sources of elements present in water are proposed, one related to natural geogenic origin, evident near the river birth, and also an effect of human and industrial activity in its middle basin, evident in the levels of elements in water samples.


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