Structural style, diapirism, and accretionary episodes of the Sinú-San Jacinto terrain in northwestern Colombia
tectonostratigraphy, deforming factor, pelagic, hemipelagic, orogeny, beltDownloads
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In this work, a review of the main structural and stratigraphic characteristics of the northwestern Colombian coast is made, which has led to the re-evaluation of previous interpretations. In this way, a new tectonostratigraphic province is defined: Sinú-San Jacinto terrain, where diapirism appears as the most important deforming factor.
Gravity weighting of turbiditic sediments on lower density pelagic and hemipelagic sediments generated diapirism along the marginal trenches during the two episodes of accretion of this terrain. The magnitude of deformation combined with uplift characterizes this diapirism as orogenic. The scales of deformation and uplift also appear directly related to the intensity of turbiditic sedimentation. Thus, the previously proposed compressional lateral stresses now appear as a minor factor in the internal deformation of this terrain.
The formation of this terrain occurred in two episodes that correspond to the formation of the San Jacinto and Sinú belts. The main diapiric events in the San Jacinto belt took place during the Paleocene to middle Eocene, and during the upper Eocene to lower Oligocene, and in the Sinú belt during the middle Miocene, and during the upper Miocene to Pliocene. Each episode of intense diapirism was followed by uplift with very little deformation. Diapirism always appears related to deep oceanic sedimentation, whereas uplift appears related to shallow marine sedimentation and terrestrial sedimentation. Two major unconformities have also been recognized in each diapiric event: middle Eocene and lower Oligocene for the San Jacinto belt and upper- middle Miocene and upper pre-Pliocene for the Sinú belt. Therefore, the previously proposed tectonic and sedimentary units are revised, and three new units are proposed: the Sinuense, the Turbacian, and the Sincelejian.
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