The western Caribbean terrain in Colombia
Colombia, turbidites, coral reefs, diapiric folds, peneplain, Oca Fault, Cauca FaultDownloads
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In addition to the Eastern Caribbean Terraine, which includes sediments of the Guajira region, deposited on sialic crust, the Caribbean region of Colombia includes two extensive areas which appear to have had totally different geologic evolutions: (1) one in the northwestern portion, covering the coastal belt between Barranquilla and Chigorodó, with sediments deposited over oceanic crust, which include abundant Cenozoic turbidites, Paleogene coral reefs and many diapiric folds, which has been named Western Caribbean Terrane, and (2) another one in the southeastern portion, which corresponds to the Andean Terrane, and comprises a peneplane affected by a transgression during Oligocene time, which generated epicontinental sediments, followed by a regression during the Late Cenozoic, located south of the Oca Fault. These two areas are bounded by a SSW-NNE strike-slip fault, altered by the N-S Cauca Fault close to the township of Ciénaga de Oro.
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