Geology and copper mineralization of the Serranía de Perijá, between Becerril and Villanueva (Magdalena Department, Guajira Province)


  • Gerard Champetier de Ribes Servicio Geológico Nacional
  • Piero Francesco Pagnacco Servicio Geológico Nacional
  • Luigi Radelli Servicio Geológico Nacional
  • Guy Weecksteen Servicio Geológico Nacional



Colombia, geological study, petrographic study, geochemical study, Paleozoic

How to Cite

Champetier de Ribes, G., Pagnacco, P. F., Radelli, L., & Weecksteen, G. (1963). Geology and copper mineralization of the Serranía de Perijá, between Becerril and Villanueva (Magdalena Department, Guajira Province). Boletín Geológico, 11(1-3), 133–188.







For a long time, there have been known indications of mineralization in the Serranía de Perijá, between the towns of Molino (Guajira), Codazzi (Magdalena), and the Venezuelan border. In all this region, a geological and petrographic study was made, which revealed the presence of the following formations: Paleozoic, a rhyodacite mass, a formation of Triassic Jura age called "La Quinta" and Cretaceous. The Paleozoic formations include limestones, schists, and quartzites of the Devonian and Permo-Carboniferous ages. The rhyodacites have their origin in the orogenetic cycle that affected the Paleozoic formations before the deposition of the Mesozoic continental sediments. To the "La Quinta" formation are red sandstones of continental sedimentation and varied granulometry; in these sandstones there are discordant intercalations of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks. Horizontal limestones belong to the Cretaceous. Some faults with an approximate north-south direction affect the region. The highest part of the Serranía has a synclinal structure. Mineralization (native copper, cuprite, basic carbonates, and chalcocite) is found in the rocks of the "La Quinta" formation, in the sandstones, and in the andesitic and microgabro intercalations. The mineralization is of the impregnation type (disseminated copper). A minerogenetic and geochemical study of the mineralized areas was made. The localities that seem to have the best economic possibilities are "El Seno" and "Ovejo."


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