Palynology of the Guaduas Formation. Stratigraphy and systematics


  • Gustavo Sarmiento Pérez Ingeominas



Colombia, Sutatausa, Upper Maastrichtian, Lower Paleocene, palynomorphs, morphospecies, spores, pollen, morphogens

How to Cite

Sarmiento Pérez, G. (1992). Palynology of the Guaduas Formation. Stratigraphy and systematics. Boletín Geológico, 32(1-3), 45–126.







The present study attempts to re-evaluate the palynological research for the Upper Maastrichtian - Lower Paleocene interval of the Guaduas Formation of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. In the collected material (Sutatausa area - north of Bogotá), we found that of 79 different types of palynomorphs, 33 are new morphospecies of spores and pollen. Additionally, eight morphogenes and six new combinations are proposed. The dispersion of the palynoflora presented in the diagram allows us to recognize two zones (I and II) and subdivide zone II into subzones. These could be correlated with those proposed by other authors in Colombia and calibrated with micropaleontological data. In this way, we broaden the palynostratigraphic picture of the described interval in northern South America.


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