Study of the gypsiferous reserves in the region of Los Santos-Batán-Villanueva
Colombia, Santander Department, La Paja Formation, El Tablazo Formation, exploitation systemsDownloads
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This report studies the gypsiferous reserves of the Los Santos-Batán-Villanueva region, Santander department. Gypsum is mainly found in the clays of the La Paja Formation (Barremian-Aptian). An area of 200 km was explored2, and a more detailed mining search was carried out over an extension of 111 km2, locating 18 deposits with a total surface of 283 hectares. The proven reserves are of the order of 1,703,000 tons, considering the minimum commercial value at 150 pounds of gypsum per cubic meter and an average mining thickness of 25 meters. The tenor of the deposits varies between 150 and 600 pounds per cubic meter3. The S03 content ranges from 35.2 to 42.8%. These reserves, although excellent, may be partially marginalized if gypsiferous deposits of better quality and with more favorable conditions of exploitation and transport are in other sites of the country.
It also describes the general geology of the area, mining systems, costs and recommends some improvements to the systems currently in use.
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E. HUBACH.-"Contribución a las Unidades Estratigráficas de Colombia". (Informe No. 9 1212, págs. 139, 145. -1957).
D. H. NEWLAND.-"The Gypsum Resources and Gypsum Industry of New York" (New York State Museurn Bulletin, págs. 131, 132. - 1929).