Methodology to explore for primary PGM mineralization in the Condoto River, Chocó, Colombia


  • Raul Muñoz A. Ingeominas
  • Michael Tistl Ingeominas
  • Klaus P. T. Burgath Ingeominas



Geochemical exploration, Basalts, Komatiites, Oligocene, Viravira, Alto Condoto, Alluvial Platinum

How to Cite

Muñoz A., R., Tistl, M., & Burgath, K. P. T. (1993). Methodology to explore for primary PGM mineralization in the Condoto River, Chocó, Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 33(1-3), 17–32.







In the Condoto river basin, a sequence of komatiitic basalts with inclusions of serpentine bodies of Upper Oligocene age, called Vira Vira Complex, and an association of mafic-ultramafic rocks called Alto Condoto Zoned Complex of Upper Oligocene - Lower Miocene age, were found. These two units, mainly the second one, are considered the source of most of the alluvial PGMs in the Condoto and San Juan rivers.

The heavy mineral sampling of alluvial sediments showed PGM grains along the Condoto River to the headwaters. In the watershed with the Tarena and Mondocito rivers, pan sampling of soil and saprolite concentrates from apiques, pits, and trenches delimited a mineralized aureole in the center of the dunite 200x300 m, where the distribution of PGM in the saprolite is random, disseminated, and trace. Platinum group elements (PGE) occur as trace elements in the dunite, with contents between 0.15 and 0.20 ppm.


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