Summary of the hydrogeology of the departments of Atlántico and Bolívar north of the Canal del Dique


  • Alcides Huguett Granados Ingeominas



Colombia, water, leveling wells, water resources, hydrochemistry, drilling, groundwater

How to Cite

Huguett Granados, A. (1988). Summary of the hydrogeology of the departments of Atlántico and Bolívar north of the Canal del Dique. Boletín Geológico, 29(1), 85–172.







The present hydrogeological study is part of the Project "Hydrogeological Prospection in the departments of Atlántico and Bolívar," executed by the Hydrogeology Division of Ingeominas (Colombia), in collaboration with the Institute of Applied Geosciences TNO-DGV (The Netherlands).

Based on the geological, hydrological, geoelectric, geohydrochemical, and hydrogeological investigations carried out in this project, the subsoil is classified according to the hydrogeological characteristics of the different geological units (Chapter 5), and the groundwater system is analyzed (Chapter 6). The groundwater resource evaluation is presented in a qualitative form because the available information is insufficient and does not allow quantitative conclusions to be drawn regarding the possibilities of exploitation.

In the departments of Atlántico and Bolívar to the north of the Canal del Dique, there are Tertiary sedimentary rocks of marine and continental origin and Quaternary sediments of continental and transitional origin, which have been divided into six classes of hydrogeological units.

Class I represents sediments and permeable rocks from the Quaternary and Tertiary periods. Within this class in Hydrogeological Units I1 and I2, we can find regular to good aquifers, exploitable using cisterns and wells.

Class II refers to poorly permeable Quaternary sediments, made up of alluvial deposits of continental and transitional origin, represented by Hydrogeological Unit II. It contains poor, local aquifers, exploitable using cisterns.

Class III is represented by Tertiary permeable rocks of marine and continental origin and is subdivided into three hydrogeological units. Unit III1 refers to poor aquifers, Unit III2 constitutes regular to good aquifers, and Unit III3 contains regular to poor aquifers. The exploitation of these aquifers is carried out using wells.

C lass IV belongs to the low permeable rocks, tertiary, of marine origin, subdivided into two hydrogeological units. Unit IV 1 is considered an aquitard with very few exploitations possibilities Unit IV2 is also considered an aquitard for the most part since, locally, the sandstone levels of this unit behave like a poor aquifer.

C lass V belongs to tertiary rocks that are not very permeable and fractured, subdivided into Hydrogeological Units V1 and V2. The first contains poor aquifers that can be exploited using wells, and the second contains good aquifers that can be exploited using wells.

Finally, class VI, represented by Hydrogeological Unit VI1, includes sediments and rocks that behave as aquicludes due to their impermeable nature, i.e., without any possibility of exploitation.

In general, the best possibilities for groundwater exploitation in terms of chemical quality are found in the Hydrogeological Unit I2 located between the towns of Baranoa and Aguada de Pablo, along the western bank of the Magdalena River and in the surroundings of the GUÁJARO Lagoon, where the production per well is from 10 to 201/s and in Hydrogeological Unit III located in the Tubará Syncline region, between the towns of Pital De Megua and La Peña, and from the south of Polonuevo to Manatí, where the production per well is less than 51/s. The waters are slightly fresh to brackish, hard to very hard, are within the permissible limits for human consumption, and are recommended for almost all soils.

The good quality groundwater potential of the study area is limited and does not lend itself to large-scale exploitation; however, it is sufficient in some cases to supply drinking water to medium and small population concentrations. This limitation is due to the predominantly fine lithology of the area studied and the physic-chemical quality of the water.


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