Analysis of deformation measurements at Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia. October 1985-March 1988
Colombia, reflectors, leveling vectors, inclinometry, electronic measurementDownloads
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Deformation measurements at the Nevado del Ruiz volcano began on October 26, 1985, with the installation of four dry inclinometer stations and two electronic inclinometers, under the instructions of the Costa Rican geodesist Rodolfo Van Der Laat, who has extensive experience in this type of work in Costa Rica.
After the eruption of November 13 of the same year, some leveling lines were implemented by a Spanish commission. U.S. Geological Survey personnel, with the help of CHEC, IGAC, and Ingeominas officials, installed four electronic inclinometers and four bases for electronic distance measurements on 18 lines. Additional dry inclinometer stations have been located around the volcanic cone since mid-1986.
Unfortunately, the lack of sufficient deformation measurement data sufficiently in advance of the eruption prevents the establishment of a reference base level and the reliable consideration of a pattern of ground deformation behavior.
This simple paper aims to analyze the deformation measurements between October 1985 and March 1988, presenting some very interesting conclusions, which indicate how the volcano has been behaving, especially after the eruption. Unfortunately, the variations in the measurements by the different methods are very small, a circumstance that prevents a real approximation to a deformation model.
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