Geology of the Colombian Amazon
Colombia, Amazonas, geological cartography, geomorphology, denudative origin, terraces systemsLicense
Copyright (c) 1979 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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The regional geological mapping in this work corresponds to an area of 380 000 km2 in the Colombian Amazon, located in the southeastern part of the Republic of Colombia, bordering Venezuela, Brazil, and Peru.
The geology described here is part of the multidisciplinary research program that since 1974 has been carried out by the Radargram metric Project of the Amazon, "Proradam," in the southeast of the country, whose objective is to evaluate its natural resources. In the geological aspect, the systematic interpretation of radar images is carried out, with field verifications to establish the different lithological units in the area.
A geomorphological sketch of the region was made based on radar interpretation, dividing the area into four major geomorphological units: Provinces of landscapes of structural origin, denudational origin, terrace systems, and alluvial landscapes.
Chronologically, the following geological units are recognized, starting from the oldest ones: Migmatitic Complex of Mitú, La Pedrera Formation, Roraima Formation, Granófiro del Tijereto, Piraparaná Formation, Diabatic Dikes, Araracuara Formation, Nepheline Sienite of San José del Guaviare, Amazonian Lower Tertiary, Amazonian Upper Tertiary, and Quaternary Deposits. These units, except for the Roraima Formation and the Nepheline Sienite of San José del Guaviare, are proposed in this work as new stratigraphic units.
The Mitú Migmatitic Complex includes sandy and pelitic metasedimentary, basic, and quartz-feldspathic metaigneous, blastomilonites and migmatitic granites, the latter with a composition ranging from alaskite to monzonite. The age of the complex is Precambrian and is part of the Guayana Shield.
The La Pedrera Formation consists of a sequence of sandy - pelitic Precambrian sediments, folded and subjected to incipient metamorphism. The sandy facies is widely predominant over the pelitic facies, and there is always intercalation between the two. The Roraima Formation is integrated by a thick Precambrian folded sequence. A lower segment is formed by conglomerates, conglomeratic sandstones, quartzites, sandstones, and shales and an upper segment is formed by a second conglomerate and a thick orthoquartzite column. Finally, the Granófiro del Tijereto presents a variable composition in a series of isolated outcrops from the Vaupés River to the Caquetá River, west of the Piraparaná Formation.
The Piraparaná Formation consists of a sedimentary volcano sequence composed of pyroclastics, red sediments, and rhyodacite lavas of the Precambrian age, present in a wide arc from the Vaupés River to Caquetá. Diabasic dikes occur intruding rocks of the Mitú Migmatitic Complex and the Pedrera Formation; some of the dikes found in the Piraparaná River are of basic alkaline character.
The Araracuara Formation is composed of a basal conglomerate and a sequence of sandstones, glauconitic sandstones, and, to a lesser extent, claystones. It presents some fossils that have allowed it to be dated as Paleozoic. It outcrops in a wide area in the central part of the Colombian Amazon.
The San José del Guaviare Nepheline Syenite, of Paleozoic age, outcrops in a small sector west of the mentioned town and probably in the region of Cerro Cumare in the Intendencia del Caquetá.
The Lower Tertiary Amazonian sediments consist of blue clays with lamellibranchs observed in the southern part of the area.
The sequence designated in this report as Amazonian Upper Tertiary presents at its base a conglomerate with ferruginous cement and abundant marcasite concretions, locally accumulations of oolitic iron and siderite; on top of it appear reddish clays with lignites and poorly consolidated sandstones.
The Quaternary Deposits are made up of sands of possible eolian origin, terraces, and recent alluvium.
The fracturing of the Shield has two main directions varying from NNE to NW. Precambrian sedimentary structures are folded and fractured, with a general NNW - NW orientation. The rest of the structures are characterized by their horizontal disposition.
Regarding Economic Geology, it is necessary to note the absence of the two most important types of deposits in the Precambrian era worldwide, the taconites and the massive sulfides associated with basic rock belts. Thus, the interest presented by the Colombian part of the Guiana Shield is directed more towards radioactive in elastic sediments and recent sedimentary iron.
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