Active faults in Colombia


  • Gabriel Paris Ingeominas
  • Jaime A. Romero L. Ingeominas



Seismotectonics, earthquakes, instrumental seismicity, deforming forces, Caribbean Plate

How to Cite

Paris, G., & Romero L., J. A. (1994). Active faults in Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 34(2-3), 4–25.







The "Seismotectonic of the Colombian territory" project, implemented jointly by the Geophysics and Geo environmental Engineering subdirectorates, aims to map the faults susceptible of earthquakes within the Colombian territory and compile the necessary information for the detailed geophysical survey of the national territory.

 seismotectonic map requires a multidisciplinary approach to integrate information on geological structures, the geology of the Quaternary, recent tectonics, historical and instrumental seismicity, geomorphology, geodesy, geophysics, and stress identification deforming the earth's crust.

 With the Neotectonic Map of Colombia, the project seeks to provide a fundamental element of analysis to the seismotectonic study of the national territory and thus contributing to updating the country's seismic hazard zoning. This first version is the result of bibliographical research carried out by the main libraries specializing in the subject, regional contributions from specific seismic risk assessment projects, and experience acquired during the professional life of the main compiler.

This monograph is a compilation and synthesis of the segments of geological faults, with some evidence of rupture on the surface, which are presented on a 1:1 500 000 scale map and a summary of the Neotectonic attributes and indications of the most prominent active geological fault traces.


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