Geology of the plates 86 Ábrego and 97 Cáchira: Department of Norte de Santander


  • Alfonso Arias Tauta Ingeominas
  • Rodrigo Vargas Higuera Ingeominas



Colombia, metamorphic, Santander Plutonic Group, faulting, mineral occurrences

How to Cite

Arias Tauta, A., & Vargas Higuera, R. (1980). Geology of the plates 86 Ábrego and 97 Cáchira: Department of Norte de Santander. Boletín Geológico, 23(2), 4–38.







The geology of Plates 86, Abrego, and 97 Cáchira, presented at 1:100 000 scale, consists mostly of metamorphic rocks of the Bucaramanga and Silgará formations and igneous rocks of the Santander Plutonic Group. Amphibolites, hornblende gneisses, and high- grade schists radiometrically dated as Precambrian and micaceous schists, phyllites, and low to medium- grade meta-sandstones associated with orthogneiss, quartz monzonite, granites, rhyolites, dacites, and a few pyroclastics, cover a large part of the area, which corresponds to a portion of the northern region of the Santander Massif.

The stratigraphic units of the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin outcrop in the western part of the plates, while those of the Maracaibo Basin occur as remnants in the eastern region.

The faulting (generally high angle) in blocks is prevalent in the area as in the rest of the Santander Massif, which is limited to the west by the Lebrija Fault and not by the Bucaramanga Fault as observed to the south.

The mineral occurrences of copper, lead, zinc, fluorspar, and barite are of little economic importance. The results of the geochemical sampling carried out do not give much hope for the discovery of deposits.


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