The structural evolution of the northernmost Andes of Colombia


  • Earl M. Irving U. S. Geological Survey



Guayanes Shield, Metamorphism, Tectonic Evolution, Andean Orogeny, Bouguer Anomalies

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Irving, E. M. (1971). The structural evolution of the northernmost Andes of Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 19(2), 1–90.







The primary Guiana Shield in northern South America is older than the metamorphism of the Imataca eugeosynclinal complex in southeastern Venezuela, which took place 3000 million years ago. Metamorphism and at least two granitic (Guyanese) magmatic cycles linked the Escudo area into a stable craton between 1850 and 2250 million years before the present time. To the west and probably to the north, the rocks of the shield are younger. In Colombia, the age of the oldest known rocks is about 1350 million years (Orinoquense). The Precambrian crust extends beneath the Andean Cordillera and appears to have provided a platform for supersialic myogeosynclinal sedimentation during most of the Phanerozoic time.

During the Paleozoic Era, a pericontinental eugeosyncline developed along and around the western and northern margins of the platform. In the Upper Paleozoic, the myogeosynclinal sediments near the shelf edge and the volcanic and sedimentary material of the adjacent eugeosyncline were regionally metamorphosed along an areo-folded zone, which included the area of the Cordillera Central, the central part of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and the Guajira Peninsula, producing the crystalline, northwest-arcing backbone of the Colombian Andes.

During the Mesozoic Era, a second eugeosyncline formed outside the mountain arc resulting from the Upper Paleozoic orogeny. In the late Cretaceous, its deposits that had only local metamorphism were strongly folded, resulting in the development of the Cordillera Occidental and fold belts of the same age along the Caribbean coast in northeastern Colombia. In addition, the massive Antioquian Batholith and several satellite plutons were intruded along the inner side of this arc.

In the middle Eocene and between the Oligocene and lower Miocene, small post-tectonic granitic plutons were intruded at intervals along the Cretaceous orogenic axis.

During the middle Tertiary Andean Orogeny, the intra-cratonic Eastern Cordillera was uplifted along well-defined marginal flexures, reverse faults dipping into the Cordillera, and locally along directional faults.

The three present-day branches of the Andean Cordillera in the northern part of Colombia are geologically distinct and originated at different times.

Highly positive Bouguer anomalies in extreme western Colombia and the presence of lower Tertiary abyssal to bathyal sediments overlying mafic volcanic rocks in easternmost Panama suggest that the Isthmus has its origin in oceanic crust and was joined and associated with the Andes during the Andean orogeny.

Very little weathering of the continent’s western edge is known along the Colombian latitude (0°-9°N). On the contrary, extension growth is apparent during the upper Paleozoic orogeny, and a belt more than 150 km wide was added to the continental margin during the upper Mesozoic orogeny. In the extreme north of Colombia, structures parallel to the east-west Caribbean coasts cut the Andean structural direction and are therefore younger. Thus, most of the present relief with its consequent faulting was produced by late Tertiary epirogenic uplift.


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