Reconnaissance of the emerald mines of Muzo, department of Boyacá
Lime, strata, exploitation, quality, formationsLicense
Copyright (c) 1959 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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Results of the studies on the limestones east of Bogotá are described, in the region between the Guavio road to the region of Gachetá in the north and the Eastern Road to the town of Cáqueza in the south, department of Cundinamarca.
This description is divided into three parts: the region of Gachetá and its surroundings, Pueblo Viejo (municipality of Guasca), and the hydrographic basin of the Blanco River and surroundings.
In the region of Gachetá and its surroundings, manifestations are described in the road of Las Salinas, in the monuments of Gachetá and Junín, in the road of Gama, and to the SE of Junín. The deposit of the Las Salinas Road can reach several million tons, but its low CaCO3 content makes it unsuitable for use even as agricultural lime. The other deposits in this region show a lot of very thin banks and very variable CaCO3 content.
In the Pueblo Viejo region, there are two Cenomanian benches 12 to 13 m thick, separated by approximately 3 m of shales and marls. The CaCO3 content varies between 80 and 93% CaCO3, and its mineable reserves have been estimated at over seven million tonnes.
In the hydrographic basin of the Blanco River and surroundings, manifestations are described in five - zones: Cementos Samper S. A., Puerto Arturo, and surroundings, Blanco River north of Choachí, Choachí - Fómeque - Ubaque, and Chipaque - Cáqueza.
Cementos Samper S. A. currently exploits the Cantera El Palacio deposit consisting of Campanian limestone, whose reserves have been preliminarily calculated at between 7 and 10 million tons.
The La Siberia deposit is not currently being exploited due to the high risk of collapse that could occur. However, this deposit has not been exhausted.
The Quebrada de Chocolatal deposit is not yet sufficiently explored to approximate a cubage.
The Puerto Arturo deposit was cubed, offering 1 500 000 exploitable tons with possibilities of a million more of limestone of excellent quality. This deposit could be exploited if a branch line is built to connect it with the consumption centers.
Numerous limestone beds were found in the other occurrences in this region, none of which would justify large-scale exploitation.
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