Geochemical prospecting and genesis of mercury in the western flank of the Central Cordillera of Colombia: municipalities of Aránzazu, Salamina, and Pácora, department of Caldas


  • Hernando Lozano Q. Ingeominas
  • Humberto Perez S. Ingeominas
  • Carlos J. Vesga G. Ingeominas



Colombia, regional geology, minerals, anomalies, mining, exploitation, production, prospecting

How to Cite

Lozano Q., H., Perez S., H., & Vesga G., C. J. (1984). Geochemical prospecting and genesis of mercury in the western flank of the Central Cordillera of Colombia: municipalities of Aránzazu, Salamina, and Pácora, department of Caldas. Boletín Geológico, 27(1), 77–169.







The western flank of the Central Cordillera of Colombia, in the sector between the municipalities of Aránzazu, Salamina, and Pácora in the department of Caldas, a geochemical and geological prospecting program was carried out in three stages: a) Regional prospecting in 450 km2. b) Detailed prospecting in 270 km2. c) La Nueva Esperanza mine prospecting. In this investigation, a total of 776 samples of active sediments, 268 rocks, and 183 samples of soils were collected and analyzed by spectrography and detector for Hg and colorimetry for As and Sb; petrographic studies were also completed for 94 samples.

A 1 km wide and 25 km long north-south anomalous Hg belt was found, including the La Nueva Esperanza mine whose mineralization consists of active mercury. This anomaly is related to the contact of andesite metasediments belonging to the Quebrada Grande formation. The origin of the native mercury is possibly due to H2S-deficient elemental mercury-laden vapors that accompanied submarine volcanic emanations, which were deposited together with the elastic and organic materials that formed the volcanic sedimentary assemblage of the Quebrada Grande formation. Subsequently, mercury migrated due to the high temperatures that occurred during the intrusion of andesitic bodies until it was finally located in calcareous levels that favored its accumulation together with quartz, cinnabar, pyrite, calcite, and dolomite veins.


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