San José de Guaviare Syenite, Colombia: Repeated Ediacaran intrusions in the northwestern Amazonian Craton




Nepheline Syenite, Neoproterozoic, Intraplate, Geochemistry, Geochronology

How to Cite

Amaya López, C., Marion, Mauricio, Federico Alberto, Jorge Julián, Nilson Francisquini, … Carlos. (2021). San José de Guaviare Syenite, Colombia: Repeated Ediacaran intrusions in the northwestern Amazonian Craton. Boletín Geológico, 48(1), 49–79.







The Neoproterozoic igneous rocks found in the municipality of San José del Guaviare include several isolated plutonic bodies that protrude from the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover in belts aligned NW-SE. Limited to the Guaviare department, these intrusions stretch from the La Lindosa mountain range to the corregimiento El Capricho. These plutonic bodies consist of nepheline syeni­tes, nepheline monzosyenites, nepheline-bearing alkali-feldspar syenites, syenites, quartz-syenites, quartz-alkali-feldspar syenites, syenogranites, and quartz-rich granitoids, which have been grouped and termed the San José del Guaviare Syenite unit (SJGS).

The intrusion of the unit occurred in the Ediacaran (604 ± 7 Ma and 620.5 ± 7.5 Ma) by mantle-derived alkaline magmas formed in anorogenic settings, most likely in rift-like stretching zones. The silica-subsaturated magma may have reacted with host rocks at the crust level, producing some silica-saturated igneous rocks, such as syenogranites and quartz-syenites, which are found in the El Capricho and Cerritos bodies.


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