Phosphate layers of the Eastern Cordillera


  • Hans Bürgl Servicio Geológico Nacional
  • Darío Botero G. Servicio Geológico Nacional



Colombia, phosphate concentration, phosphate partition, Cretaceous, location of phosphate minerals, lithology

How to Cite

Bürgl, H., & Botero G., D. (1967). Phosphate layers of the Eastern Cordillera. Boletín Geológico, 15(1-3), 7–44.







After analyzing briefly previous investigations regarding phosphate effected during the years 1944 to 1952 by geologists of the National Geological Service, the phosphate contents of diverse beds in Devonian, Carboniferous, Girón and lower Cretaceous formations of the Eastern Cordillera in ali cases were so small as not to warrant much attention. On the other hand in the upper Cretaceous, various beds were found to contain from 5 to 25% P2O5 The richest stage undoubtedly is the Santonian, in second place is the Campanian. The greatest concentration of phosphate (15 - 25% P2O5) is found at the base or near the top of the Lower Chert (lower Santonian) and the Upper Chert (lower Campanian). Lower concentrations (10 - 16% P2O5) are found in the Turonian (5 - 10% P2O5), in the Cenomanian and Maestrichtian stages of the Central Cordillera.

Considerable differences in the occurrence of phosphate exist not only in the vertical sense, but also in the horizontal. The better concentrations are found along the margins of the Cretaceous geosyncline, for example along the southwest margin (Villeta, Girardot, Ortega) and along the eastern margin (Pisba, Plateau, El Cocuy). Search for phosphates in the future therefore ought to be concentrated in the Santonian (lower Chert) along the flanks of the Cordillera Oriental.

It is recommended that detailed studies be undertaken in the Ortega area (Tolima) and on the Pisba Platean (Boyacá) and to continue investigations by reconnaissance of the regions around Tota Lake, in the upper valley of the Magdalena River, and in certain areas of Cundinamarca.


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