Geological report of the páramo east of Bogotá
Colombia, Bogotá-Choachi, reservoir, physiography, stratigraphy, structural geology, economic depositsLicense
Copyright (c) 1961 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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On the forthcoming completion of the road leading from Bogotá to Choachí, which opens a new field of raw materials from the Bogotá subsoil, and by Resolution number 561 of 1954, a Commission was appointed to study the coal and construction material deposits in the páramo area between Bogotá-Choachí and to define the possibilities of their economic exploitation.
Two sections comprising the different rock classes occurring in the region were measured. The corresponding stratigraphic columns were deduced, which can serve as a comparison for other works.
For the geological map, we used the 1:25 000 scale plates 228-lll-C and 247-l-A, published by the Geographic Institute, the corresponding aerial photographs, and a 1:2500 scale plan of the hacienda La Bolsa, located in the páramo.