The Nevado del Huila Volcano complex: evidences of its eruptive history
Nevado del Huila Volcano, volcano complex, Pleistocene-Holocene, andesitesDownloads
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Nevado del Huila Volcano, is the highest active volcano (5364 msnm) in Colombia, representing a major threat for the surrounding areas, evidenced by the 2007 and 2008 eruptions. Geomorphologic approaches allowed to consider it as a volcano complex and to define three main stages in the construction of two main volcanic structures. Its stratigraphy is made up by 13 units, with the predominance of thick andesitic lava flows and exceptionally interlayered pyroclastic flows. Geomorphologic and geochronological data (K/Ar, whole rock) indicate that its eruptive history began 1.5 Ma ago (Lower Pleistocene), with the Pre-Huila Stage; approximately 100.000 years ago, began the Old Huila Stage (Upper Pleistocene) and at the end of the Last Glaciation, 11.000-10.000 years ago (Holocene), Recent Huila Stage started. Petrographical variations facilitate the general characterization of the eruptive stages: Pre-Huila Stage products are, mainly, two pyroxenes-andesites, in Old Huila Stage, the clinopyroxene-andesites prevail, and in Recent Huila Stage, the amphibole-andesites are the predominant petrographical type.
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